The law is defined as a set of general, abstract rules that regulate the behavior of individuals in society, and the public authority imposes a penalty on those who violate it.
The study of the Bachelor of Law prepares the student to find out the importance of the science of law and what distinguishes it from other different sciences and introduces him to the most important legal terms and the basic principles on which the law is built, what sources he derives from and how to deal with conflict between laws
Evaluation type: Online exams
Teaching language: Arabic
Introduction to the law:
- The importance of studying the entrance to the law and its concept
- The need for the law and its function in different sects
- law and right
- Relationship of law with other social science
The legal base its characteristics and advantages:
- Definition of the legal rule, its components and characteristics
- Distinguishing between the legal norm and other social norms
Divisions of the legal base: objective, formal, imperative and complementary
- Substantive rules and formal rules
- Complementary rules and complementary rules
- Rules of public order and etiquette
Divisions of the legal base: the parties and the subject of relations regulated by the branches of law
- The basis for dividing the law into general and special and distinguishing between them.
- Sections of Law
Sources of Law: Legislation
- The meaning of the sources of law
- Recognize the advantages, disadvantages, types, methods and stages of enactment of legislation.
- Sub-legislation and its types
- Legislative gradualism and its abolition
Sources of Law: Principles of Islamic Sharia
- Islamic Sharia Center and what is it
- Sources of Islamic Law
- Auxiliary sciences to know the legal ruling
Sources of law: custom
- Definition of custom, its pillars, importance and types
- Terms of the physical corner of custom
- The difference between custom and convention
- The custom center for the various branches of law
Law Sources:
- Principles of natural law and rules of justice
Law enforcement and interpretation:
- Application of the law in terms of people, place and time
- interpretation of the law