Islamic history
Islamic history is an obligatory and necessary station for anyone who wants to learn about the development of human, scientific and cultural concepts and values that have resulted in all of humanity, from the mission of Sidma Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to all stages and countries that followed the Muhammadan message.
Islamic history is the knowledge, cultural, psychological, jurisprudential and political reservoir that drew the features of the world and humanity and contributed to the formation of awareness at all levels for more than six hundred years of the pre-Islamic era of the Muhammadan message, the Umayyad and Abbasid eras, the Fatouts, modern science and various sciences, all of which we will learn about in this section
Evaluation type: Online exams
Teaching language: Arabic
Jahiliyyah before Islam:
- Here the student will learn about the situation that prevailed from the moral and religious point of view, such as idolatry, polytheism, the valley of girls, alcohol, and the absence of many controls and rules that a person needs in marriage, commerce and relationships.
The honorable lineage and the righteous ancestor of the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him:
- learn in detail about the Prophet’s family and the exceptional state of his family in terms of religiosity and morals, especially here by mentioning his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib, the leader of Quraysh and the best of its people. It will also address many of the prophets and messengers from our master Noah to our master Jesus, peace be upon them all.
The birth and life of the Prophet before and after revelation
- The personality of the Prophet, his characteristics, his actions, his migration and his conquests, the values and laws that he brought through Islam and the Qur’an, and their reflection on social, economic, intellectual and religious life.
The establishment of the Umayyad dynasty (64-130) AH
- From the rule of the Caliph Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, to annex Egypt and the Levant, to the conquests of the countries of the Turks and Morocco, the building of mosques and libraries, the purification of scholars, the conquest of Andalusia, the land of China, Mesopotamia and Yemen.
Establishment of the Abbasid state (132-656) AH:
- From the rule of Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Abbasi, the battle of the Zab, the emergence of the four doctrines, the emergence of chemistry, astronomy, engineering, medicine and arithmetic
- The establishment of the Fatimid state, the emergence of hadith scholars, the construction of cities, libraries, and large mosques, and the establishment of the Al-Akhshibi, Qarmatian, Buyid, Saman, Idrisid, and Seljuk state as an extension of the Khwarizm and Ayyubid state, leading to the entry of the Mongols and the Tatars.