Arabic Language Sciences

Arabic Language Sciences
This section presents a large sum of Arabic grammar and a comprehensive curriculum for all that the student needs from the science of nouns, complete and incomplete verbs and their abundant details, types of sentences and their uses, adverbs, substitutions, emphasis, method of preference, specialization, exception, etc. And many other things that will provide the student with a qualitative and comprehensive leap in the sciences of the Arabic language, in a simplified, smooth manner, rich in value and information, and a large number of examples and statements. Evaluation type: Online exams Teaching language: Arabic
  • Chapter One:

• Definition of parsed, the Arabized word, the built and the built word.

• Pronouns, demonstrative nouns, relative nouns, interrogative nouns.

• The past tense and its expressions.

• Present verb and its expressions.

• The imperative verb and its expressions

  • Chapter II:

• Nominal sentence, predicate and its types.

• The semi-sentence, the neighbor and the accusative, the adverb.

• Separate consciences.

• Connecting pronouns.

  • Chapter III:

• Correct verb, defective verb, weak verb (present, past, imperative)

• The nominal sentence that and its sisters.

• The nominal sentence was and its sisters.

-the fourth chapter:

• The style of the call and the types of the caller.

• Standard, audio, sources of triple verbs.

• The name of the preference and the conditions for its formulation.

• the Machin's name.

• adverb.

• The allowance and its types.

• Emphasis and its types.

  • -Chapter V:

• The style of praise, the style of slander.

• Exception style and types of exception clauses.

• Types of analogy.

• Distinguish the number.

• Distinguish the number from 11 to 99.

• Contract terms.

  • -Chapter six:

• Metonymy and its types.

• The conditional method and its tools.

• Abstract and more verbs.

• Nouns of time and place.

• Restricted name.

• Extended name.

• Attribution to pronouns.

• Confirmation of the verb Noun.

• Do not deny sex and the conditions of its operation.

  • -seventh chapter:

• That the infinitive nor the negative.

• Prohibited from the exchange and its conditions.

• Brief style and its types.

• Overstatement and its types.

• The type, number, arrangement and position of letters.

  • Chapter Eight:

• The science of Budaiya (duplication, good division, assonance and strife).

• Pay attention.

• Pun.

• Counterpoint.

• the interview.

  • Chapter Nine:

• Pendants.

• The most famous Muallaqat poets.

• Transmitter metaphor and its relations.

• Al-Wasl and Hamzat Al-Kut'.

• Detection in dictionaries.

• Nouns of verbs.

• The method of exclamation, its standard form, and how to formulate it.

• The style of the specialist and the images of the specialist and his expression

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